Tracing the History of Gender Variant People’s Relationship to Law Enforcement
The First Transgender
Police Officer

Bonnie Davenport (right) with first openly gay DC police officer, Bobby Almstead (left)
Bonnie Davenport worked for 8 years at the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) in Washington DC before undergoing a sex change. After a taking a year off and passing physical and psychological tests, the department welcomed her back as a woman. She served for another 12 years before retiring as a master patrol officer.
Lewis, Alfred E., and Paul W. Valentine. “Police Transsexual Seeks Active Duty.” The Washington Post. WP Company, January 10, 1979. ​
Washington Area Spark. “First Gay and Transgender D.C. Police Officers: 1983.” Flickr. Yahoo!, June 29, 2017.